Hindhead Golf Club : Mens Prizegiving
11th November 2017
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Mark Riley, Ruth Hartley and Neil Nugent presented prizes to the winners of the mens tournaments
Lord Parker of Waddington Cup : Cameron Phillips

Dick Hartley Trophy : Nigel Sapsed

Neil Nugent Tropy: Philip Thorne

Canada Cup. Runner Up: Stephen Carter. Winner: Ben Patterson

Gibbet Cup: Kieran Lovelock
(Sorry no photo as he was unable to attend)
Veterans Putter. Runner up: Ken McEwen. Winner : Simon Johns

Drews Trophy. Runner Up: Zeren Bekir. Winner : Roger Aldridge

Pym Trophies. Runner Up: Malcolm Tite & Steve Wilson. Winners : Martin Bicknell & James Rodger
(sorry no photo as winners were absent)
Nicol Bowl. Runner Up: James Newman. Winner : John Vart

Mungo Swanson Salver. David Corben

Devils Punchbowl. David Corben

Gallagher Trophy. Cameron Phillips

Turle Gold Cup. Robert Pope

Barnsdale Trophy. Rod Loy

Captains Challenge Cup. John Vart

Nigel Hardy Hindhead Masters. Cameron Phillips

George Oaks Memorial Trophy. Simon Jordan
(Sorry no photo as Simon was absent)
Dudley Parvin Trophy. Harvie Harrington

Mickie Brown Trophy. Adrian Campfield

Veterans Cup. Mark Riley

Duncan Trophy. Matthew Laird and David Ryles
(Sorry no photo as winners were absent)
George Pownall Trophy. Bob Carter and Chris Hitching
(Sorry no photo as winners were absent)
Captain's Pro Challenge: Harvie Harrington and Rob Evans